Thursday, April 18, 2019

Indigenous "Parma" Practice leads Machet Tole to Successful Reconstruction at Tipling

Arbin Adhikari
S.D.O. LRTC-Marpak
April 18, 2019

Tipling village is one of the farthest settlement of Dhading district situated at Northern part surround by Rasuwa District, Sertung village and beautiful Ganesh Himal. This VDC is one of the extreme remote community of the district where the communication had just prelude a year ago and tracks for vehicle transportation is still in progress. This VDC comprises with the majority of Tamang community. Machet Tole is located at north-east direction (Ruby valley ward no.1/ Former Tipling-7), with the residency of Tamang community. 31 beneficiaries were listed in NRA beneficiary list and now Reconstruction of Machet Tole has been completed and people are living in their new house. 

Gorkha earthquake 2072 vacillated Machet Tole like other part of the country and all the house built following traditional construction practice got partial to severe damage and made the people homeless. Living in the remote area, people of Machet (Tipling) faced several problems during the recovery phase. All of them were listed in the beneficiary list of government but they were totally unknown about the earthquake resistant construction technique and building guidelines.

NSET Baliyo Ghar program supported by USAID has been working at Tipling since 2015 October to provide technical support for earthquake resistant reconstruction. Baliyo Ghar program has conducted many community orientations at Tipling and several in Machet village to raise the understanding and knowledge of the local people towards earthquake. Baliyo Ghar program also conducted Seven days mason training for working masons and Fifty days One-the-job training for new mason to enhance the capacity toward the resilient construction of local workforce. Some technical inputs that Baliyo Ghar program provided to Machet Tole are enlisted below:

After the awareness level has raised and this place has got trained local masons, Machet started incredible progress in safer reconstruction. Mason trainings have provided enough theoretical and practical knowledge for the masons to build earthquake resilient houses using the locally available construction materials wood and stone. Said one of the trained mason Mr. Kamal Lama.
"We were totally unaware and worried about the reconstruction guideline provided by the government before the Mason Training but after receiving training everything became clear and easy for us. Presence of Engineer at village and support of construction technician encouraged us to start reconstruction soon after we got trained”.
One of the major aspect for the successful reconstruction of Machet Tole was the indigenous Parma system.  Parma system is also known as labor exchange practice in which the cost of work is paid by work but not money. House owners from Machet followed the Parma system to construct their houses and reduced the cost of labors, which lead them to build their new house with low cost. One of the house owner from Machet and elected ward member Mr. Syu Lama Tamang Says, "to reduce the labor cost, we worked in group, where we started houses parallel of each individual at the group. We consecutively worked in each house of the village, the Skilled and unskilled manpower both were involved in the construction where the unskilled labor could also learn by supporting the skilled manpower’s. The grant given by government is sufficient for constructing single room house with local material and Parma system."  All of the beneficiaries have already constructed their new house and all of them got their tranches from the government.  They have constructed dry stone masonry houses using wooden bands as transportation of cement is very difficult for them.

Though this village is situated in the farther most part of Dhading, it still enlighten  the perfect example of the labor exchange (Parma System) where a team work of the community has led to the successful reconstruction. The Perma system which has been implementing in machete, Tipling so as to complete reconstruction has revealed the good strategy for economic management which has set the example and this is a good practice to implement other areas to drive for reconstruction completion. 

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