Friday, October 12, 2018

Amusing smile of Old Man castes a spell

Sikre, Nuwakot
With none in the family, one can imagine how 80 years old man Mr. Lato Tamang, a resident of Shivapuri Rural Municipality -03, Sikre, Nuwakot has spent his days and nights throughout years. Having problem in language and with his tongue-difficulties Mr. Tamang cannot make others understand what he says but one can derive the meaning looking at his gestures. Having spent miserable days and months, having spent unconducive climates Mr. Tamang no longer saw no days ahead in his favor after his house collapsed during Gorkha Earthquake. But now, he is planning to live a happy life after being under the roof of the quake safe house.
He shows his fore finger with amusing smile and one understands he is indicating that he still has Rs. 1 Lakh (grant amount of 3rd tranche) to receive from government. His neighbors say, "He is astonished to save some thousand rupees which he plans to spend in the days to come."

Mrs. Tamang is alone in his house for more than 10 years. His only son had been to India 15 years back and his wife waited him for 5 years but when she couldn't welcome him back to the home, she eloped leaving 2 sons with their grandfather. Few years later, when the two grandsons were also taken to Gumba - Kathmandu by some of their relatives, then Mr. Tamang started his lonely life. He had a house surrounded by few square meters of land where he used to cultivate vegetation for his survival. But when the house got collapsed during 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, Thanks God! He was saved, but his miseries mounted. After the devastating earthquake, he stayed in a poor temporary shelter for 3 years. 
Temporary Shelter of Lato Tamang where he spent his 3 years

Baliyo Ghar Program has been implementing On the Job Training (OJT) in Mr. Tamang's village Sikre. After a series of discussion with ward committee and villagers, Tamang's house was chosen to implement OJT but Tamang had no money to start with. He just had the 50 thousands of first tranche. He was in need of more than 70 thousand rupees to collect construction material. But he could find none to provide loan. In initiation of mobile team of Baliyo Ghar, three villagers invested him with 20 thousand each and Baliyo Ghar began 50 days OJT in his house. He himself was involved in reconstructing his house. He forgot his old age in carrying stones with his old bare hands and carrying water with difficulties. After 50 days, Mr. Tamang's house was ready. During the course, he received the 2nd tranche of government grant and paid back the loan. He was astonished to pay back the loan and get his house ready to live in. 

In the Mid-August of 2018, he deployed his relatives (trained masons) to construct toilet so that he could easily get 3rd tranche of government grant. When he remembers 1 lakh rupees still to get he raises his fore fingers and says 1 still to come with amusing smile. His overwhelming gestures shows he has forgotten all his miseries and plans to live happily hereafter.

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