Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Waked Up Lamidada: Story of Reconstructed & Revived Village Hit by 2015 Gorkha Earthquake

Duni Ram Saru, MT-Marpak, Dhading
Social Development Officer
NSET-Baliyo Ghar 

One of the former VDCs of Dhading, Marpak, now ward no. 1 & 2 of Netrawati Dobjong Rural Municipality is located approximately 30 KM far from the district headquarter. There is a settlement of Janajati ethnic group, named Lamidada with 54 households. In the aforementioned settlement, most of the houses were constructed of wood, mud and stone with traditional construction technology, which lags earthquake resistant components. As a consequence, The Gorkha Earthquake 2015 hits this village triggering non-repairable damages in all houses.

On 16th January, 2019, when the whole country was celebrating 21st National Earthquake Safety Day, the Lamidada village, one of the main communities of Marpak was standing intact with the reconstructed earthquake resistant houses and normal daily lives of the people. 45 HHs were recognized as fully damaged HHs and are listed for regular beneficiaries to get reconstruction grant of NRs. 3,00,000 from National Reconstruction Authority (NRA). Total 9 HHs, which were not recognized as damaged houses have submitted their grievance claiming their HHs to be listed in fully damaged category.

Subsequently, total 44 beneficiaries have received complete NRA grant for the construction of earthquake resistant buildings. Yet, one of the beneficiaries has not constructed house as he resides out of the VDC.

Netrawati, Dobjong
“Baliyo Ghar Program” is being implemented in former Marpak VDC (now: Netrawati 01 & 02) by National Society for Earthquake Technology- NSET Nepal, supported by USAID to ensure safer reconstruction and Build Back Better. Lamidada is one of the communities nurtured by Baliyo Ghar program for safer reconstruction. Intended for the Build Back Better more readily, Baliyo Ghar program is continuously steering various activities like Skill Enhancement Trainings which includes Mason Training, On the Job Training (OJT) for masons, Knowledge Enhancement Activities which includes Community Orientation on earthquake preparedness, publication distribution, information/help desk establishment, and Door to Door Technical Assistance and other periodic activities to substitute disaster preparedness campaign. Aimed at earthquake resistant building reconstruction of Lamidada, Baliyo Ghar program has also played prominent role.

Ramlal  Tamang,  Baliyo  ghar  trained  mason  and  Lead mason from Lamidada on the work with his group.

Arbin Adhikari/Baliyo Ghar
“Before the project intervention in our village, I never believed that earthquake resistant houses can be built by using these local construction materials like stone, mud and wood. Now, I can see almost all the houses constructed with stone, mud and wood and those houses will not fall in earthquakes”, says Bishal Tamang, 30, local youth from Lamidada,

Till date, Baliyo Ghar project has trained 161 working masons on earthquake resistant building construction technology from former Marpak VDC. Among them, more than 90% masons are continuously working on building reconstruction works. 

“I used to work as mason since many years, we had traditional practice in building construction and was unknown about the provision of earthquake resistant components. Once I got 7 days mason training from Baliyo Ghar program, I knew not only earthquake resistant building construction technology but I have learned how we masons are more responsible to make earthquake resilient community, Ramlal Tamang, 33, trained mason of the Baliyo Ghar Program, resident of Lamidada and the lead mason for the reconstruction of most of the houses in Lamidada village. 

Baliyo Ghar project is intended not only for safer reconstruction, it has contributed towards resilient community. Moreover, skill enhancement of existing masons and development of new masons through different trainings has contributed in livelihood.Subsequently I got training, my daily income raised as I got no chance to stay in leisure and my social recognition has been changed from an ordinary man to trained lead mason for earthquake resistant building construction Ramlal added.

Construction Practice:
In Lamidada village, out of 44 reconstructed houses, all of the houses are constructed with stone mud   masonry, among which 2 houses are with wooden bands & rest are with RCC band. Number of rooms in houses are determined by requirement and economy of the family. 
Total 14 single roomed houses have been constructed. All the houses from cluster are single floored with attic, where 43 of them used wood as rafter and batten. Almost all houses from the cluster uses hybrid building construction practice by using wood and CGI as attic floor construction material. Amid other technical features, the houses constructed here is homogenous in outer appearance too.
Technical Factor in housing construction

SMM With
RCC Band
SMM with
Wood Band
(with attic)
 (data given is for 44 built houses from beneficiaries list only.) Source: LRTC Marpak/Baliyo Ghar
Facors to Accelerate Reconstruction in Lamidada

The reconstruction at this settlement was completed in the lead of one of the trained masons of same settlement from Baliyo Ghar program named, Mr. Ramlal Tamang. The group of masons led by him had showed their keen dedication to complete the reconstruction of their own place prior to another village. With this reason, they worked within their boundary in the rotation basis sharing labor for the reconstruction of damaged houses rather travelling neighboring villages to work as mason. As an outcome, reconstruction of Lamidada has been completed and Mr. Ramlal Tamang and his group has been shifted to adjoining village for building construction works.

The acceptance of the earthquake resistant building construction technology by the key individuals of this settlement along with locals and role of trained masons for its wide spreading is another important factor for the safer reconstruction of Lamidada village”, says Er. Manoj Sharma Chapagain, LRTC coordinator of Baliyo Ghar program in Marpak, who has contributed noteworthy for safer reconstruction campaign of Marpak. 

Additionally, relatively strong financial status of people in this community could favor people to manage construction materials in time, which aided toward the reconstruction completion. Continuous follow up from local government has also played prominent role in reconstruction of Lamidada, where ward member from this place Mr. Jeet Bahadur Gurung was noticed active in provoking to accelerate the tranches process by coordinating with NRA Engineers soon after the construction of the buildings in this place.

Baliyo Ghar Program is determined for the safer reconstruction of all damaged houses ensuring Build Back Better to contribute for achieving earthquake resilient communities.

11th Feb, 2019



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