Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Baliyo Ghar promoting Disadvantaged Group to derive them in the mainstream of Reconstruction

Kalleri Mobile Team
NSET-BaliyoGhar, Dhading

Dalang Settlement, Kalleri, Dhading
Dalang, Khahare and Fursomata, the three beautiful villages in the north-east of Dhading district, were completely destroyed by the 2015 Earthquake. These villages are geographically challenged, and lack of drinking water and transportation services. Dalits are the major inhabitants there and most of them lack formal educations. They do not have enough land for farming. They practice traditional farming without modern irrigation systems. 

Following the devastating earthquake in 2015, several non/governmental organizations conducted mason training and On the Job Training (OJT) in the district, but the Dalit inhabited areas were unreached. Under the Baliyo Ghar Program, the National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET)-Nepal conducted a 50-day (OJT) in both villages, Khahare and Dalang, where five males and five females from the Dalit community were included. 

Mahendra Biswakarma, Dalang, Kalleri
Mahendra Bishwokarma(29), a permanent resident of Galchhi Rural Municipal Ward no. 1, Dalang (former Kalleri Village Development Committee Ward No. 1) has the responsibility of taking care of his whole family (two sons, a daughter and wife). He has a small piece of land without irrigation access. He was in India for earning money before the earthquake. He returned back after the earthquake and met the Baliyo Ghar Team working in former Kalleri VDC. Baliyo Ghar Program team decided to make a model house for his father Ram Bahadur Kami through On the Job Training. He showed interest for participating on the On the Job Training as a Trainee Mason. After the Training, he built an earthquake resistant house for himself as well as for his neighbors. While talking with the Baliyo Ghar Team, he said that the training gave him the skills to build earthquake resistant buildings. He has been contributing to make his village Dalang, a resilient one.

Santa Bahadur Magarati, Khahare, Kalleri
Similarly, Santa Bahadur Magarati (33), a permanent resident of Galchhi Rural Municipal Ward no. 1, Khahare (former Kalleri Village Development Committee Ward no.1) has a huge responsibility of fulfilling the financial needs of the family. He would work in the field and go to city for working as a labor and support his family until he was trained as a trainee mason under the Baliyo Ghar Program in Khahare. He had no idea about earthquake resistant building as well as faced tedious process in receiving of government traches. His house was built as a model house by the Baliyo Ghar Program where he participated as a Trainee Mason. After the training, he built earthquake resistant buildings in Khahare and Dalang. He said that "Unless I had received the support of Baliyo Ghar program I wouldn't have been able to build such houses; I wouldn't have been able to follow government guidelines and receive grants”.  

Gopal Bahadur Sarki(59), a permanent resident of Galchhi Rural Municipal Ward no. 1, Khahare (former Kalleri Village Development Committee Ward no. 1) is very energetic in spite of his old age. He had been doing masonry jobs before the earthquake. After the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake, he realized that his knowledge and skills were insufficient to build resilient houses. Baliyo Ghar Program Team decided to conduct an On the Job Training at his son’s (Santa Bahadur Magarati) house in Khahare. He participated as a trainee mason. After the training apart from building houses he also transferred the skills gained from the training to his colleague. He said, "I guide the new masons and help them learn what I know”.

Gopal Bahadur Sarki, Khahare, Kalleri

As per the latest figures, construction of about 71 percent houses have been completed while the rest are under construction in Dalang. Similarly, about 50 percent houses are completed in the Khahare and Fursomata and approximately 50 percent houses are currently under construction. The main reasons of low paced reconstruction in Khahare and Fursomata are the lack of the water supply, and financial constraints.

Considering GESI as a driving force for equitable and sustainable development, Baliyo Ghar Program Team has been encouraging and motivating women, and other disadvantaged groups to participate in the On the Job Training (OJT) and Mason Training.

12 Feb, 2019

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